January 1, 2010
I recently finished watching "Shock of the New" after thirty years and came away wondering, where are (were) all the women (besides being vessels, muses, and housekeepers)? The thing is, I have worshiped all those artist guys for as long as I can remember. I have loved their colors, their subjects, their brilliance and how they have changed and moved art history ahead (as explained by art critics). Trips to big cities usually revolved around special shows happening at galleries and museums.
What is in it for me and my work? I have unrealistically held on to this dream that I was going to be a famous and ground-breaking as any of them, a difficult goal to achieve. At age 60 I am now able to see things more clearly.
Fortunately Robert Hughes redeemed himself at the very end of his last program by saying: art discovers its true social value by opening the passage from feeling to meaning. Now that is something I can work with.