Tuesday, February 20, 2018

To Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

It took me about as long to upload these photographs as it did the time I needed to complete this afghan.

Be that as it may, 13x13" garter stitch blocks using local yarn from Great Bay Yarn (on Bennett Road in Durham) and varying colors with photographs of sheep who gave me the yarn attached.  Five by six blocks so it just about covers the bed although it itches like hell so probably best seen as an viewing thing rather than a useful thing.

On to, well, I'm not sure what is next.  Watch this space.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

So it has come to this (attempt number two):

Ahh, heaven:  a PHOTOGRAPH of a phone photo taken of me on a Southwest flight back from Baltimore.  I was the last one on and found this seat in the middle between these two guys who had this little therapy DOG.  One of them moved over, I got the AISLE SEAT, and eventually "GRACIE" made it over to my lap for the duration of the trip.  Please note that I am wearing one of my SWEATERS:  good old garter stitch with the emphasis on COLOR.

I am still doing puzzles.  Right now I am working on a Miro painting.

My college roommate just sent me a photograph of a painting that she said I did and gave to her.  . . .
I do not remember it although the color and brush strokes look vaguely familiar.

Knit.  Knit.  Knit.  And I am making some bookmarks.

And focusing on keeping an observational nature journal. 

What can I say but most art leaves me cold, colder than the below zero temps we are experiencing here.