Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Having decided to create a virtual art gallery where I can exhibit my work, I am (painfully) learning how to set it up and keep it going at this particular blog space. One thing I have discovered is that blogs work from the bottom up, and so the first painting that I posted which was to be an entry into the gallery is now at the bottom. I am looking for a place to tell all visitors that in order to view the entire gallery they must click on the right hand side the words about former posting dates and that way they get to see everything. I will occasionally be writing thoughts about art, creating it, money, and various other relevant topics and welcome any and all comments from you.


  1. Yay I shall be your first commentee! :)
    I'm looking forward to seeing your work, please post lots of stuff!

  2. Shawn. I have never commented on a blog...I mean...really. And yes, my blog handle is "Mo."
    Do I see a Grillo influence? I can't be sure as I'm only familiar with his arm...
