Sunday, January 7, 2018

So it has come to this (attempt number two):

Ahh, heaven:  a PHOTOGRAPH of a phone photo taken of me on a Southwest flight back from Baltimore.  I was the last one on and found this seat in the middle between these two guys who had this little therapy DOG.  One of them moved over, I got the AISLE SEAT, and eventually "GRACIE" made it over to my lap for the duration of the trip.  Please note that I am wearing one of my SWEATERS:  good old garter stitch with the emphasis on COLOR.

I am still doing puzzles.  Right now I am working on a Miro painting.

My college roommate just sent me a photograph of a painting that she said I did and gave to her.  . . .
I do not remember it although the color and brush strokes look vaguely familiar.

Knit.  Knit.  Knit.  And I am making some bookmarks.

And focusing on keeping an observational nature journal. 

What can I say but most art leaves me cold, colder than the below zero temps we are experiencing here.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see this Shawn - we will keep in touch!!
    Love to you both.
